Conference Orals
1. Yuan Jay Chang, “Novel Organic Dye Structure and Improvement of Dye-sensitized Solar Cells” (化工年會 in FCU 2012.11.23)
2. Yuan Jay Chang, “新型有機材料應用於有機染敏化太陽能電池” (產學研技術交流會-太陽能關鍵技術 in ITRI (工研院) 2013.3.11)
3. Yuan Jay Chang, “Triarylene conjugates and Novel Organic Dye Applications of Dye-sensitized Solar Cells” (2013 Fall Symposium of Photochemistry Association in Taiwan in TKU (淡江大學) 2013.9.6)
4. Yuan Jay Chang, “Novel Organic Dye Structure and Improvement of Material Chemistry Devices” (Invited lecture in NCKU (成功大學) 2013.10.1)
5. Yuan Jay Chang, “Novel Organic Dye Structure and Improvement of Material Chemistry Devices” (Invited lecture in NCNU (暨南大學) 2013.12.13)
6. Yuan Jay Chang, “Triarylene conjugates and Novel Organic Dye Applications of Dye-sensitized Solar Cells” (2014 中區有機化學研討會 in THU (東海大學) 2014.5.3)
7. Yuan Jay Chang, “High efficiency Metal-free Organic Dye Applications of Dye-sensitized Solar Cells” (Invited lecture in Fuzhou university (福州大學) 2015.8.3)
8. Yuan Jay Chang, “Using Phenothiazine Based in Dyes Sensitized Solar Cells” (Invited lecture in Hotel Royal Chiaohsi, Yilan Country, Taiwan (礁溪老爺飯店) 2015.10.20) (ISCAFMS International Symposium on Construction and Application of Functional Molecules/System)
9. Yuan Jay Chang, “Recent Progress of Metal-free Organic Dye Applications in Dye-sensitized Solar Cells” (Invited lecture in Providence University (靜宜大學) 2015.11.20)
10. Yuan Jay Chang, “Using Phenothiazine Based in Dyes Sensitized Solar Cells” (Invited lecture in National Dong Hwa University (2015 Annual Meeting of Chemical Society Located in Taipei,2015化學年會,東華大學, 2015.12.6)
11. Yuan Jay Chang, “Recent Progress of Organic Materials Applications in DSSC and Perovskite solar cells ” (Invited lecture in Nagasaki University (日本長崎大學, 2016.3.15)
12. Yuan Jay Chang, “Recent Progress of Organic Materials Applications in DSSC and Perovskite solar cells ” (Invited lecture in Kumamoto University (日本熊本大學, 2016.3.18)
13. Yuan Jay Chang, “Novel Isophorone-based and Triphenylamine Derivatives with Li+ Capture of [3.3]Cyclophane Used in DSSCs and Perovskite solar cells ” (Invited lecture in Academia Sinica (中央研究院化學研究所,周大新教授榮退研討會) 2016.5.16)
14. Yuan Jay Chang, “Recent Progress of Organic Materials Applications in DSSC and Perovskite solar cells ” (Invited lecture in Central University (中央大學, 2016.5.20)
15. Yuan Jay Chang, “Novel Isophorone-based and Triphenylamine Derivatives with Li+ Capture of [3.3]Cyclophane Used in DSSCs and Perovskite solar cells ” (Invited lecture in Fuzhou university (福州大學化學學院) 2016.6.14)
16. Yuan Jay Chang, “Metal-free Organic Dye Applications in DSSCs and Organic Photovoltalic cells” (Invited lecture in Academia Sinica (中央研究院化學研究所,2016.9.23)
17. Yuan Jay Chang, “Metal-free Organic Dye Applications in DSSCs and Organic Photovoltalic cells” (PV Taiwan conference (南港展覽館,2016.10.12)
18. Yuan Jay Chang, “Recent Progress of Novel Materials Apply to Photovoltalic and Perovskites solar cell device ” (Invited lecture in TKU (淡江大學, 2016.11.07)
19. Yuan Jay Chang, “Recent Progress of Novel Materials Apply to Photovoltalic and Dyes sensitized solar cell device” (Invited lecture in Fuzhou university (福州大學化學學院,2017.4.11)
20. Yuan Jay Chang, “Recent Progress of Novel Materials Apply to Dyes sensitized solar cell device” (Invited lecture in Chin-Yi University of Technology) (勤益科大電子工程系,2017.6.2)
21. Yuan Jay Chang, “Recent Progress of Novel Materials Apply to Photovoltalic and Dyes sensitized solar cell device” (Invited lecture in Institute of physical chemistry of the polish academy of sciences in Warsaw) (波蘭科學院物理化學研究所,華沙,2017.6.26)
22. Yuan Jay Chang, “Novel metal-free materials apply to photovoltaic and dyes sensitized solar cell device” (Invited lecture in National Sun Yat-sen University) (中山大學光電工程系,2017.9.25)
23. Yuan Jay Chang, “Cabrazole-based and phenothiazine core-based small molecules with Dipolar system for organic photovoltaic application” (Invited lecture in Miyazaki, Kyushu, Japan (日本九州宮崎縣 Seagaia convention center) 2017.10.14-17) (The 10th Taiwan-Japan Bilateral Symposium on Architecture of Functional Organic Molecules )
24. Yuan Jay Chang, “Novel metal-free materials apply to photovoltalic, DSSCs and Perovskite solar cells ” (Invited lecture in National Chung Cheng University) (中正大學化生系,2018.1.16)
25. Yuan Jay Chang, “Novel metal-free materials apply to photovoltalic, DSSCs and Perovskite solar cells ” (Invited lecture in Feng Chia University) (逢甲大學化工系,2018.3.12)
26. Yuan Jay Chang, “Novel metal-free materials apply to photovoltalic, DSSCs and Perovskite solar cells ” (Invited lecture in Providence University) (靜宜大學應化系,2018.3.30)
27. Yuan Jay Chang, "Facilely Synthesized and Low Cost Organic Sensitizer and Hole-transporting Materials for DSSCs and Pervoskite Solar Cells" (Invited lecture in Fuzhou University (福州大學化學學院,兩岸能源與環境研討會) 2018.8.2)
28. Yuan Jay Chang, "Facilely Synthesized and Low Cost Organic Sensitizer and Hole-transporting Materials for DSSCs and Pervoskite Solar Cells" (Invited lecture in Fujian Normal University (福建師範大學化學與材料學院. 2018.8.3)
29. Yuan Jay Chang, "Low cost and metal-free materials apply to photovoltaic, DSSCs and Perovskite solar cells " (Invited lecture in National Cheng Kung University (成功大學光電工程系. 2018.9.21)
30. Yuan Jay Chang, "Low cost and metal-free materials apply to DSSCs and Perovskite solar cells " (Invited lecture in the 15th International Symposium for Chinese Organic Chemists (ISCOC-15) (國際華人有機無機研討會, 台灣大學 2018.10.27)
31. Yuan Jay Chang, "High Performance Organic Sensitizer of DSSCs under Indoor Light and Low Cost Hole-transporting Materials in doped-free p-i-n Perovskite Solar Cells" (Invited lecture in Okayama University of Science (日本岡山理科大學. 2019.4.23)
32. Yuan Jay Chang, "High Performance Organic Sensitizer of DSSCs under Indoor Light and Low Cost Hole-transporting Materials in doped-free p-i-n Perovskite Solar Cells" (Invited lecture in Kyushu University (日本九州大學 International Institute for Carbon-Energy Research (I2CNER) 2019.4.25)
33. Yuan Jay Chang, "High Performance Organic Sensitizer of DSSCs under Indoor Light and Low Cost Hole-transporting Materials in doped-free p-i-n Perovskite Solar Cells" (Invited lecture in Kyoto University (日本京都大學 2019.8.31)(The 12th Taiwan-Japan Bilateral Symposium on Architecture of Functional Organic Molecules)
34. Yuan Jay Chang, "Facilely Synthesized and Low Cost Organic Sensitizer and Hole-transporting Materials for DSSCs and Pervoskite Solar Cells " (Invited lecture in National Taiwan Normal University (臺灣師範大學 2019.11.04)
35. Yuan Jay Chang, "Facilely Synthesized and Low Cost Organic Sensitizer and Hole-transporting Materials for DSSCs and Pervoskite Solar Cells " (Invited lecture in National Tsing Hua University (清華大學化學系 2020.4.22)